Few steps the contact lens users should follow

People use contact lens for various reasons; some wear lenses just for fun, some for protecting their eyes, whereas some wear lens for fashion. The main reason to tell this is whatever the reason for wearing a contact lens is, the lens should be taken well care of and a doctor must be consulted before using one. You can find various types of contact lenses in the market and in the online stores. The main advantage of a contact lens is that anyone can use it; even an infant can use a contact lens. There is no age limit for wearing a contact lens; just you have to follow some measures. The lens should by inserted and removed carefully and cleaned regularly. Other than this, contact lenses are far better than the eye glasses.

Contact lenses are used mainly for protection of the eyes. Such contact lenses are of various types. A contact lens can be classified quite a few types according to the type of eye problem and the usage of the lens.

1.The daily disposable contact lens, which can be replaced every day with a new pair of lens.

2.The two-weekly disposable contact lens, which can be replaced with a new pair every two weeks.

3.The monthly disposable contact lens, which can be replaced every month with a new pair of lens.

4.The bi-focal contact lens, which are used by those patients who suffer from both myopia or nearsightedness and hyperopia or farsightedness.

5.The toric tenses which are which are used by patients suffering from astigmatism.

6.The colored contact lens which are used by people mostly for fashion.

7.The extended wear contact lenses, which can be worn even while sleeping.

Before buying a contact lens you should consult a doctor, as all contact lenses do not suite everyone. The doctor can tell you what type of lens you should use. After you get the prescription, you can buy the lens. Now, there are certain precautions you should follow while using a contact lens. First is the insertion of the lens, which should be done very carefully. You should wash your hands with scentless soap and wipe it with a clean and dry towel. You may face little problem during the first few times of insertion, but gradually you will get used to it.

Cleaning and disinfecting contact lenses is the most important part. The lens must be cleaned regularly with the solution provided with the lens. The well known lens manufacturers provide good quality contact lens solution with the lens. This solution helps to keep the contact lens free from dirt, protein deposition and from the microorganisms. Many people use tap water for cleaning their contact lens, but that is not a right method, as tap water contains several minerals and microorganisms which are harmful for the eyes.

Cleaning contact lenses everyday may be a little irritating, but it must be done. If this step is not taken, the dirt and protein deposits can result to a blurry vision and even cause serious infection to the eyes.


amit said...

Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you

Fashion Contact Lenses

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